With the passage of the Governor’s Budget, NY now has a ban on fossil fuels in new construction beginning December 31, 2025 for low rise buildings (under 7 stories) and larger buildings in 2029.

Several exceptions exist, including restaurants, hospitals and doctors’ officers, factories, and agricultural buildings. Oddly, though, those exemptions are only available when deemed absolutely necessary by the AHJ.

Existing buildings will not be impacted by these new requirements, even if they’re being repaired or renovated. If you build an addition on your house, you can still use gas if you want! However, the draft scoping plan calls for regulations to ban fossil fuels in existing buildings by the end of the decade, so those days are coming

The NY Propane Gas Association strongly opposes this new law. We generated thousands of letters in opposition, as well as working with our lobbying firm to communicate our concerns. We maintain that clean burning fuels that get increasingly renewable, such as propane, still have an important role in our energy infrastructure. Propane keeps consumer costs down and maintains reliability in even the worst winters.